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2025 Fraud Bundle

Fraud is here, there, and everywhere on various payment networks, often focusing on creating harm to particular groups of individuals. This bundle includes webinars and an on-demand course exploring how fraud affects specific payment networks such as check, ACH, wire transfer, debit card and instant payments (FedNow® & RTP®). Then, with several outside guests, we'll dig deeper into the world of identity theft, synthetic identity theft and the fraud and risk protection services offered through their various payment network platforms. We'll also discuss the sensitive issue of elder abuse fraud and what financial institutions can do to protect their account holders. Finally, we'll explore each of the payment networks and discuss the best rule-based practices on how to retrieve funds that were sent in error or fraudulently. 11.2 AAP/APRP credits available.
Included in Bundle or Package:
Fighting Debit Card Fraud
Managing Wire Transfer Risk and Fraud Mitigation
Identity Theft and Synthetic Identity Theft
How to Retrieve It (ACH, Checks, Wires, and Instant Payments)
Federal Reserve Fraud Services Showcase
Confronting ACH Origination Fraud
Elder Abuse Fraud
Webinar Recordings
Don’t Fall For Frightening Fraudulent Checks
Managing the Risk of Instant Payments: RTP and FedNow
On Demand Courses
Frontline Fraud & Mitigation
Access to all of the information included in the bundle will be available through December 31.