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Guide to ACH Origination (ELECTRONIC)

Electronic Resources License: IncludedThis handy toolkit can help streamline origination processes for your financial institution, regardless of whether you have been offering origination services for years or are just getting started. Includes: Guide to Origination; ACH Origination Application; ACH Origination Checklist (CU and Bank versions); Origination Risk Calculator & directions; ACH File Formatting Tool, ACH Exposure Limit Evaluation; Exceeding ACH Exposure Limit Overage Disposition Form, Co. Request for Increase of Exposure Limit; TPS List of Originators; ACH Returns Transmittal Register; NOC Entry Transmittal Register; Directions for Use Operations Risk Mgmt Tools and ACH File Transmittal Register. NEW for 2024: ACH File Maker (tool for creating ACH Files) and ACH File Format Reviewer (tool to review ACH Files for formatting errors).
This publication is formatted as a PDF document. Users must have access to Adobe Reader.
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Sample Instant Payments Policy (ELECTRONIC)

Unlock the future of payments with our sample Instant Payments Policy! This easy-to-use template will can be easily customized to create an Instant Payments Policy fitted to your financial institution's unique strategy to facilitate seamless management of your instant payment systems. The Instant Payments Policy covers roles and responsibilities, guidelines for receiving and sending transactions, compliance standards and risk management strategies, ensuring your operations are secure and efficient. Don't miss the opportunity to streamline your payment processes and meet the growing demand for instant, reliable transactions. Invest in your policy today to help set your institution up for future success in the revolutionary instant payments space. (2024)
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Sample ODFI-Originator ACH Origination Agreement

An executed ACH Origination Agreement with each of your customers is not only a requirement of the ACH Rules, a well-written agreement can provide you with additional legal protections and reduce your risk of financial loss. EPCOR has partnered with industry-recognized payments attorneys from Adams and Reese, LLP to completely rewrite our Sample ACH ODFI/Originator Agreement. This Word document version of our agreement allows you to easily customize our sample agreement to your financial institution's needs and align with your existing policies and practices. Improvements to our sample agreement include a simplified structure, enhanced limitation of liability section and updates related to the recent Rules change regarding requirements for Third-Party Senders and Nested-Third-Party Senders. (2023)
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