The following information comes from the National Cyber Security Alliance’s website,
Data Privacy Day is this week and you can get involved at home, at work and in your community. Take action, help create a culture of privacy and support Data Privacy Day’s theme of respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust. This year, we are encouraging individuals to “Own Your Privacy” by learning more about how to help protect the valuable data that is online, and businesses to “Respect Privacy.” One simple thing you can do is to update your privacy settings by using a helpful tool created by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA). Here’s other ways you can get involved:
On Social Media
- Follow EPCOR on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to see Data Privacy Day posts.
- Post privacy tips and reminders about Data Privacy Day on your social networks. Use the hashtag #PrivacyAware and #DataPrivacyDay on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites.
- Download and share sample social media posts leading up to and on Data Privacy Day on social media – download and share them all or customize them to your needs and interests!
- Blog about data privacy in January. Choose a topic that appeals to you or highlight one of the Data Privacy Day calls to action.
At Work, At School, and In the Community
- Become a Data Privacy Day Champion, and show your organization or school’s official involvement in the day. It’s free and simple to sign up.
- Post the Data Privacy Day logo on your company or school’s external or internal website.
- Send an email to colleagues, employees, clients and/or your school and community about the day and outline how your organization will be involved. Highlight the theme and messaging. You can use information from the toolkit in the email. See the “Employee Email Template” available to all Champions.
- Privacy is good for business: Create a culture of privacy at work by teaching all employees what privacy means to your organization and the role they have in making sure privacy is achieved and maintained and that data is protected. Check out our 5 Ways to Help Employees Be Privacy Aware tip sheet for help.
- Include information in your community newsletter. Highlight “Own Your Privacy” and some of the key messages. You can use information from the Data Privacy Day About page in the email.
- Work with your leadership to issue an official proclamation to show your organization’s support of Data Privacy Day. Proclamations should highlight what your company does to respect privacy.
- Post the logo on your company or organization’s external or internal website. You can link to the Data Privacy Day “About” page to provide more info.
- Issue a company promotion related to the day such as a product discount, competition or giveaways for clients.
- Print Data Privacy Day posters and resources and display them in areas where community members spend time online
- Distribute the sample press release included in your toolkit. You can publish it as traditional media alerts and releases or publish it on your website’s blog to share with your online audiences.
- Distribute data privacy materials and tip sheets. We have plenty of non-proprietary resources available to download and print in our library.
- Attend a Data Privacy Day event: Promote your event or see what Data Privacy Day activities are taking place in your area.
- Celebrate and network with other privacy pros. Attend an IAPP KnowledgeNet gathering near you.
- At the end of January, send employees an email highlighting your activities and successes, and recapping the best practices learned.
At Home
- Sign up for NCSA’s newsletter to receive regular online safety news and resources.
- Own your online presence: Talk to your family and friends about protecting personal information and how to stay safe online. Get started with our Privacy Tips for Parents.
- Hold a family “tech talk.” Learn and discuss how each family member can protect their devices and information.
- Send an email to friends and family informing them that January 28 is Data Privacy Day and encourage them to visit for tips and resources.
- Test your knowledge. Check your online safety knowledge by taking a privacy or security quiz. Get started with the National Privacy Test and Google Phishing Quiz.
Source: National Cyber Security Alliance
Be #PrivacyAware with Our Quarterly Compliance and Fraud Review Webinar!
Staying #PrivacyAware should be a priority every day of the year – not just on Data Privacy Day! Stay on top of the latest compliance and fraud issues currently impacting the payment space with our Quarterly Compliance and Fraud Review webinar series. Together, we will examine the latest threats and challenges circulating the payments industry so that your organization can plan a proactive response. Current fraud schemes, compliance considerations and mitigation techniques will be discussed. Our first session of 2021 is happening on February 10, so register now!